Toby’s Sports, Quorum Group of Companies partners with Embiggen to innovate, and explore future

The Quorum Group of Companies, operator of well-known athletics stores Toby’s Sports, RUNNR, and urbanAthletics, partnered with the Embiggen Group to conduct foresight-driven strategic planning to envision the company’s future from 2023 to 2028. 

Since 1978, the corporation operated premier sporting goods retailers in the Philippines. Besides athletics stores, Quorum also operates sporting goods distributor Sports Resources Inc.

Founding CEO & Managing Partner Rolan Marco Garcia and Senior Corporate Foresight Consultant Jose Decolongon form the Embiggen team that worked with Quorum to explore the fundamentals of corporate innovation and chart its strategic plans through strategic foresight.

In today’s rapidly changing and uncertain world, businesses need to have the capability to systematically plan and prepare for the future. 

Business plans can easily be rendered irrelevant or useless due to many factors such as unforeseen negative changes to the business environment. This is where corporate foresight can help. 

Quorum enlisted Embiggen Foresight to work with its leadership team to explore and prepare for the company’s future. 

Embiggen CEO Rolan Marco Garcia leading an innovation masterclass for Toby's Sports, Quorum Group of Companies
Embiggen CEO Rolan Marco Garcia leading an innovation masterclass for Toby’s Sports, Quorum Group of Companies.

Corporate foresight is a systematic and strategic way of analyzing the future. Companies use this discipline to identify both opportunities that a business can benefit from, and disruptions that may lead the business to failure.

For example, Shell successfully used the discipline to prepare for disruptive events such as the significant and rapid rise in oil prices in the 1970s. As a result of utilizing corporate foresight, the energy company says it recovered from the crisis quicker than its competitors.

This case illustrates the potential that corporate foresight holds for the Quorum Group of Companies. 

Innovation and corporate foresight unlock new opportunities for any company that fully utilizes them. 

On one hand, being able to prepare for potential future crises and disruptions 5-10 years in advance makes the company more resilient to change. On the other hand, being able to identify opportunities can help the company build and capture new value. 

As a result of this partnership, Quorum can develop better and stronger business plans to capture the company’s full growth potential and stimulate new innovation-led growth, making the company more competitive in the long run. 

Learn more about Embiggen here:

Learn more about the Quorum Group of Companies here:

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